Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final presentation

For our final project, we decided to display a tri-fold with all different aspects of our visual communications class this semester. We are trying to achieve a beginning understanding of what this course entitles, and to give students who are interested in a visual communications major or minor a preview of what is to come.

We first created three pie graphs, all displaying the same data. We did this purposely to show what a good pie graph looks like, a decent one, and a perfect one. The three graphs display how this course, can help communications students better visualize and display their thoughts more clearly.

Next we decided to display a mind map, because we thought this is one of the best brainstorming activities. For the holidays we decided to display a mind map with Christmas located in the middle cloud. For interested visual communications students, this is an activity that will get their brains to start flowing with ideas.

On the far right side of our poster, we displayed a flow chart that gives detailed instructions on how to change your major or minor to communications. Not only does this give a detailed, straightforward set of directions, it also appears to be the last piece to be looked at. We decided to place it at the end, so that if students have become interested in a major or minor in communications, they will know exactly how to switch their major.

On the top left side of our poster we decided to show different type of bar graphs to show our persona the statistics about the program but also something else they will learn in this class. The statistics provided will help the student with how many people are in the program, how many are men and women and how many stay in the program or drop out of it later in college.

For this final presentation we sat down and brainstormed the many ideas that we learned in this class through the semester and chose the main ideas that stood out to us the most from the semester. When choosing the ideas we placed them in a controlled collage and then put the most important if the student would want to transfer at the end. We decided to put a giant mind map in the middle of the poster because we all thought that this was the most important idea we absorbed from the course.

I personally felt that this was a very hard project at the beginning. It was very hard for me to think of any ideas to put down on a piece of paper for a presentation idea. But once we some ideas started to find their way onto the paper the project went pretty smoothly. While doing the project I was remembering things from earlier in the semester that helped in the construction of our presentation. I found after we completed the presentation that a lot more of what I learned this semester really stuck in my mind than I thought.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Multivariate Display

Multivariate Display

For my multivariate display I chose to take information from espn.com about the player Brett Favre. I chose key categories from his career and put them into a line graph to show trends over his 19 year career in the NFL. I chose to take some key categories, such as touchdowns, games play, completion percentage and quarterback rating. I chose to do a line graph for these multiple variables because it best shows his trends over his career and when his highs and lows were.
This image was very easy to do after do the graphs assignment once I was able to find a topic to do. Once I found the topic the most issue I had with the assignment was plugging in the data because of Favre's long career. After that it was smooth sailing.


Storyboard #2
For this storyboard I focused around the main idea of someone waiting in the orchard for her friends to meet her. The first picture is of the girl waiting for the group to meet with her and wondering where they are. The second is of the group lost in a sand storm trying to find the the girl back at the orchard. The next image is of a man walking through the orchard looking for the group because he is not able to find them. And the last image is of the group reunited in the orchard.
This storyboard was a little more difficult to do because I had to use two images instead of just one. It made me think a little more about what I wanted to do and in the end I settled on this idea.

Storyboard #1

For this storyboard I centered my main theme around the game of soccer. I started with a photo of a player lining up for a free kick and getting ready after a foul had been committed. I then went to the photo from the website of the boys covering there region because that is most players fear when they are lining up to block the free kick. The next photo was of the goalie and I just made up something funny about what the goalie is saying about what is about to occur and what is happening in front of him. The next photo is about the player actually getting hit because more times out of many the wall of players does get hit, in this case the player gets hit in the stomach area.
This storyboard was very easy for me to do because I only had to do one image and I made my main focus on that of soccer.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Simple tables to Graphs

Simple tables to Graphs

For my graphs and tables I decided to choose the Mens RWU Swimming and diving teams results over the past four seasons since I myself am on the swim team. I took the number of meets attended and wins and losses. For my first graph I put them into four categories, being the years and how many wins and losses compared to meets attended. After that I chose to make a pie graph to represent only wins amongst the years to see how the team has progressed over the years.
The most trouble I had with this assignment was dealing with excel. I feel like I am capable of dealing with all of the Microsoft office programs but I did have some issues with excel getting everything to just look right.