Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Visual Essay Design

Original Image

This was a very difficult assignment for me to do. I had a lot of trouble finding a image to improve but it was funny when I actually decided on the image I was going to improve. It was something that I ate every day and thought the directions on the back were not what they should be. I felt the that original image did not provide what needed to be provided to make the dish and that it should be improved. I thought that there should be more images and less words and that the color of the original image should be changed. The original image also had to much color and was very annoying to look at it. That is why I went with the plain black and white design. I also wanted to do with away with the text box at the bottom of the image. That is why instead of words I substituted it for images instead.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Flow Charts

This was my second flow chart that I did. I felt this flow chart was a little easier to do based upon the first one. This chart also was easier based upon the subject and the website used. You didn't have to have an account or a log in to deal with like the first one so getting to the end was easier. You also didn't have to have a shipping or billing information so that was one less step to deal with.
The most difficult part of this flow chart was the end of the chart. Once you found your information you were not exactly done with the chart because you had to select what websites to choose based upon your subject. You also could have to repeat the whole process if you did not find suitable information after your first search.

My first flow chart was that of the steps of buying a book on amazon.com. I thought that it was pretty easy to buy a book on amazon. It was a little annoying once you got past the part of finding the book to explain how to purchase the book and do all the shipping information and credit card information but once you got that all squared away you were set.
The most difficult part of this flow chart was establishing all the processes and making sure that if there were any road bumps that I would be able to answer them in the flow chart.

How to make a Spaghetti Dinner

This sketch was a little difficult for me because of my terrible drawing skills. I tried to think of the bare minimum ways to describe how to make a spaghetti dinner. I first started with all the ingredients used in making the dinner and went from there. I then started drawing the base ingredients and went from there. I felt that someone that did not know the language would be able to understand the ingredients from me drawing them. I started with the boiling of the water, then adding the pasta, then straining it, and then putting the sauce on the pasta and putting it on a plate.

The most difficult issues I had with this sketch were basically trying not to make it to complex. I wanted to do the minimal steps for whoever was looking at this so they didn't become to overwhelmed. I also knew that if I put to many steps in with my terrible drawing skills that I would just confuse whoever was looking at the image and then they would be completely lost.