Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Collage

For this collage I found some items in the magazines that I really enjoy. I found some pictures of sports and sports related themes such as espn. I also included some images such as beer and some cool images that had a quick word or two that really symbolized who I am. I found words such as "LOST" and "American" because during this assignment I was quite lost while searching for images and graphics that I could use.
Also while I was searching for the images I found some word graphics that really showed who I am as a person and that is why I posted some of them in the collage.

I found this collage to be a rather tense assignment because of the time constrictions that were enforced during the assignment. I had issues finding enough pictures also because I used the same magazines just different issues.


  1. In this collage I noticed two themes. The first is sports, there is a cutout of ESPN as well as some players and other things. The second is a theme of patriotism, with an American flag pattern as well as the words "American" and "Join the Revolution" grouped together.

  2. -oranges & reds used
    -white space
    -text has to do with sports & determination
    -darker picture at the bottom stands out, as well as the ESPN and the beer bottle.
    -the beer bottle draws attention to the text box to the left of it.

  3. sport theme
    Football and players
    Space between images
    Text also sports related
    Dark colors

  4. Sports
    Blocky text
    Colors pop
    Sports related text
