Thursday, September 30, 2010

Concept Map

Concept Map
For this concept map the main idea I chose was that of sports. I am part of the swim team here on campus and the ultimate frisbee club in which I am a captain. These two things are great for me because of what they provide so I felt that a concept map over this topic would be a good choice.

When I first began the map it was very easy because I had my topic and I had what I wanted to map about. What became difficult is when I had to think of more words from my concept. The sports provide friends and exercise and then those two topics give a bunch of things.

I did find this to be a easier map to do compared to the mind map. It was more fun to do this map and I think this is a good way to map.

Mind Map 1 & 2

Mind Map #1

For my first mind map I tried to think of something that is important to me and something I like. I chose the New York Yankees and I was able to get some words from my central topic. I found this mind map to be very difficult. I had a lot of trouble first finding a central topic to choose and then after that deciding what other words to write was very difficult. Once I figured out some things I wanted to write down I kind of just went with it and wrote down everything that came to my mind. I may have not followed the exact way of a mind map but I feel it came out well.

Mind Map #2

My second mind map was a lot more difficult than the first one. I had a lot of trouble figuring out what from my first mind map to sketch. I had a couple ideas and tried but when I got them down on paper I couldn’t think of anything to go off the central topic. When I came back to the sketch the next day I still had trouble figuring out what exact words to choose, the words didn’t come to me like the words did in the first sketch.